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face mapping
a professional skin analysis
let's see your
Welcome to Dermalogica Face Mapping. This industry-leading skin analysis uses machine learning to pinpoint, measure, and treat your top skin concerns. It's as easy as taking a selfie.
in partnership with
face mapping
a professional skin analysis
loading results
Unfortunately, we were unable to detect a face in the image that you uploaded. May we suggest that you please try again?
It seems that we detected multiple faces in your uploaded image. May we suggest trying again with just your face?
Sorry about that! It seems that we were not able to process your photo. May we please suggest trying again in better lighting?
It seems that your uploaded image resolution is too small. If you are uploading a photo, please select a photo with a larger resolution. Capturing an image with a mobile phone can also be very effective.
It seems that the lighting in your uploaded image is too dark. May we please recommend trying again with brighter lighting?
It seems that the lighting in your uploaded image is too overexposed / bright. May we please recommend trying again with slightly darker lighting?
It seems that your face is tilted to the side in your uploaded photo. May we suggest uploading a photo in which you’re facing straight-ahead?
It seems that your face is tilted downward in your uploaded photo. May we suggest uploading a photo in which you’re facing straight-ahead?
your face mapping results
your targeted skin concerns
your personalized targeted treatments
recommended skin treatment
complete your regimen
Along with using a targeted treatment for your, layer these products in the following order for optimal results.
top recommended professional skin therapists
Want healthier skin? Connect with a skin therapist in your area for an in-person Face Mapping. It’s complimentary!
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recommended skin treatment
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your results are in
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face mapping results
my top skin concern is
Did our analysis get it wrong? We can adjust your results based on another concern:
breakout activity
redness + sensitivity
fine lines and wrinkles
dull skin
dark spots
under eye area
Our analysis detected signs of __CONCERN__. Our analysis detected signs of dark circles in your __CONCERN__. Thanks for letting us know! Your feedback helps us improve our service.
the best product for you
best match
the best kit for you
best match
recommended skin treatment
personalized ingredient list
We recommend the following ingredients for you
Niacinamide reduces inflamed skin and minimizes pore congestion.
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic Acid stimulates natural exfoliation, helping to clear impacted follicles and minimize acne formation.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)
AHAs are a type of organic acid that is used to exfoliate the skin, even skin tone, improve skin texture and reduce visible signs of skin aging.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid provides increased hydration and improved elasticity. It can also help wounds heal faster and reduces scarring.
Ceramides are lipids that play a key role in the skin's structure. They retain moisture in the skin and protect it from external aggressors like pollution.
Borage Seed Oil
Borage Seed Oil is a natural oil that has been widely used for treating inflammation, eczema, dehydration, and scaliness.
Peptides are essentially amino acids that help build the protein in your skin, like collagen. Products with peptides in them stimulate this collagen production, leading to firmer skin.
Retinoids stimulate collagen production which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Additional benefits include increased cell turnover, which helps unclog pores and minimize signs of dark spots.
Antioxidants help reduce inflammation in the skin and protect against free radicals.
Lavender is a natural extract that acts as an antiseptic, while soothing and purifying skin.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid provides increased hydration and improved elasticity. It can also help wounds heal faster and reduces scarring.
Oat Extract
Oat Extract can help strengthen your skin's barrier, while relieving itchy or inflamed skin.
Retinoids stimulate collagen production which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Additional benefits include increased cell turnover, which helps unclog pores and minimize signs of dark spots.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps accelerate the production of collagen, which can help smooth and brighten skin.
Caffeine is a great source of antioxidants for the skin and can protect against free radicals.
Retinoids stimulate collagen production which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Additional benefits include increased cell turnover, which helps unclog pores and minimize signs of dark spots.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps accelerate the production of collagen, which can help smooth and brighten skin.
Caffeine is a great source of antioxidants for the skin and can protect against free radicals.
Retinoids stimulate collagen production which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Additional benefits include increased cell turnover, which helps unclog pores and minimize signs of dark spots.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps accelerate the production of collagen, which can help smooth and brighten skin.
Niacinamide reduces inflamed skin and minimizes pore congestion.
We recommend the following blog posts for you
need skin care advice?
chat with an expert

Let us know how we did!
Our analysis highlighted __CONCERN__ as your main skin concern. What would you have said?
Did your results feel personalized and helpful?
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Welcome to Dermalogica Face Mapping. This industry-leading skin analysis uses machine learning to pinpoint, measure, and treat your top skin concerns. It's as easy as taking a selfie.
we care about your privacy
Before we begin your Face Mapping, we want to make sure you understand that our application requires certain information like an image of your face to work. Please read more about our terms and conditions below:
This Face Mapping® tool collects information and photos of your face and skin, along with descriptions of skin health conditions, concerns, and product recommendations. We and our trusted third-party vendors use a combination of machine learning tools and statistical algorithms to perform facial analysis to generate a detailed report of your facial geometry and skin-related characteristics. We use this data to allow us to better assess your skin and provide more relevant product recommendations designed to target your most prominent skin concerns.
By clicking “I CONSENT”, you agree that Dermalogica, LLC and our trusted vendors may collect and process your selfie image to prepare detailed face reports (including facial geometry) to provide a personalized skin assessment and product recommendation, as well as to improve the face and skin mapping tools, technologies and services. We do not knowingly collect data from users under the age of sixteen. By using this feature, I agree that I am at least 16 years old. For additional information, please refer to our Privacy Notice, Terms of Use, and our Face Mapping® Privacy Statement.. Do not sell my personal information.
We pride ourselves in helping our customers find the right solutions for their skin. In furtherance of this goal, we offer our customers a free Face Mapping® tool designed to provide a personal skin assessment to help each customer discover products that target their most prominent skin concerns.
To use this free Face Mapping® tool, we ask customers to provide us with a real-time selfie image of their face. We use a combination of machine learning tools and statistical algorithms to perform facial analysis to generate a detailed report of the customer’s facial geometry and skin-related characteristics. In connection with this facial analysis, we disclose customer data, including the customer’s selfie image, to our trusted third-party partners who process this data strictly in accordance with our contractual agreements.
We analyze these detailed facial reports to provide each customer a customized product recommendation and skincare regimen designed to target their most prominent skin concerns. We also use and process the information to further develop future product and skincare recommendations as well as to improve the face and skin mapping tools, technologies and services. Other than disclosures to the third-party partners we use to support our Face Mapping tool, we do not use, disclose, sell or retain our customers’ facial geometry reports for any other commercial purpose. We will not use this face-related data for purposes of recognizing or identifying an individual customer.
We automatically delete and permanently destroy the facial geometry data we receive from our third-party partners and any other information used to represent a customer’s detailed facial geometry promptly after it is used for the purposes of providing that customer their personalized skincare recommendations, generally within a short period of time after it is collected. However, we continue to retain the customer’s selfie image and the results of each customer’s personal skin assessment for up to three years from the date of collection for purposes of quality control and the development and improvement of our Face Mapping tool and product recommendations.
Because we do not retain the facial geometry data after it is used for the purposes of providing each customer their personalized skincare recommendations, we will repeat the facial analysis described above each time a customer requests to view their previously provided skincare recommendations.
For more information about our privacy practices and other personal information we may collect or process in connection with our platform, please visit our Privacy Notice.
Gentile Utente,
tramite il software di intelligenza artificiale FaceMapping, potrai effettuare l’analisi della tua pelle, ed ottenere consigli personalizzati sui prodotti e i trattamenti più adatti per te.
Abbiamo bisogno del tuo consenso per procedere all’elaborazione di una tua fotografia che ci permetterà di individuare la routine di skincare più adatta a te. Tratteremo i tuoi dati solo a questo scopo. Per poter utilizzare il servizio di FaceMapping online devi avere almeno 18 anni. Proseguendo, dichiari di avere almeno 18 anni e di acconsentire al trattamento dei tuoi personali.
Tutte le informazioni raccolte saranno cancellate dopo tre anni.
Per i trattamenti dei tuoi dati personali necessari a eseguire l’analisi della tua pelle, il Titolare del trattamento è Dermalogica LLC, proprietaria del software FaceMapping, una società consociata di UPD Italia S.r.l. con sede a Carson, in California. UPD Italia, in qualità di licenziataria del software FaceMapping, agisce come Responsabile del trattamento di Dermalogica LLC, ai sensi dell’art. 28 GDPR.
Per ulteriori informazioni suli trattamentoi dei tuoi dati personali effettuati da Dermalogica LLC e, sui diritti a te riconosciuti, e le modalità per esercitarli, clicca qui.
Se desideri ricevere comunicazioni commerciali, promozioni e sconti personalizzati sui prodotti e i trattamenti più adatti per te da parte di UPD Italia, sulla base dell’analisi della pelle effettuata attraverso FaceMapping, abbiamo bisogno del tuo consenso che, in ogni caso, potrai revocare in qualsiasi momento. In questo caso, UPD Italia agisce in qualità di Titolare del trattamento.
Per ulteriori informazioni suli trattamentoi dei tuoi dati personali effettuati da UPD Italia e, sui diritti a te riconosciuti, e le modalità per esercitarli, clicca qui.
Letto e compreso l’informativa privacy messami a disposizione da UPD Italia S.r.l., per conto di Dermalogica LLC, Titolare del trattamento:
Acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali da parte di Dermalogica LLC, inclusa la mia immagine personale e i dati derivanti, per poter ottenere un’analisi della pelle e consigli personalizzati su prodotti e trattamenti più adatti a me
Acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali da parte di UPD Italia S.r.l. in qualità di Titolare del trattamento per ricevere via e-mail promozioni e comunicazioni commerciali personalizzate sulla base delle mie abitudini di acquisto
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